Chapter 58 The Wildest Imaginations

Of course the bullet had missed the target as a result. 

"I'm sorry…"

She remembered how Zach had already told her not to flinch and to keep her eyes open but she had failed to do so. She looked towards Zach to see if he was angry with her for such low performance but instead she found him smiling as if he had already expected the same result.

"You don't need to be sorry. I have seen worse first tries than this. I have seen people throw away the weapon in surprise after their first try. Your mistake is nothing in front of what I have seen before. I never expected you to get it right on your first try either; after all you have never seen this kind of weapon before. Even I was surprised the first time I used this weapon even when I knew how it worked. You will get used to the sound and the recoil of the weapon upon firing in no time if you practice properly. Just don't lose heart." explained Zach in between smiles in order to encourage Diana some more.