Chapter 65 Defeat

To onlookers, it appeared that the two mages were evenly matched, but the reality was that the water mage was completely on the defensive. He owed his survival to the fact that his water magic was constantly weakening the momentum of Luna's fiery attacks. If not for this, Luna's first strike would have been his last.

With each swing of Luna's blue sword, the water bubbles surrounding the mage's body grew smaller and more unstable, threatening to burst at any moment. Despite this, the water mage persisted, using more and more of his mana reserves to keep himself alive.

But Luna was relentless. Her anger at Sosis family, who had dared to attack her master, fueled her determination to defeat the water mage. She swung her sword with precision and power, her attacks draining the water mage's mana reserves and leaving him increasingly vulnerable to her flames.