Chapter 130 Luna’s Determination

"FIGHT…FIGHT!" she shouted as if to rekindle the fire inside their cold hearts that had begun to accept their fates without a fight. She wanted to inspire them to survive for as long as they could. Even if she didn't make it, she wanted at least some of them to make it past this battle.

The soldiers of the Luther family and the remnants of the Special Forces team had teary eyes watching their young lady try so hard. The girl had never backed down in the face of adversity and they were the living witnesses to her struggle over the years. She probably had it the worst out of them all and yet she cared about them so much.

The soldiers and other members of the family resolved to not let a single hair on her head be harmed by the beast. They were willing to be loyal to the family to the ends of time if they survived past the disaster that was encroaching onto them like the silent wind.