Chapter 179 Misunderstanding

With a dash that was so quick, even her shadow could not follow, Clara sprinted on her heels and tore away in the opposite direction. Cursing under his breath, Zach shot after her- fast. The petite girl tore through the estate grounds like she had swallowed rocket fuel or something. Her feet barely seemed to touch the ground as she effortlessly avoided slamming into the grounds keepers.

With clear unbriddled excitement, she giggled happily as a couple of sheep, and a cart of cabbages nearly toppled her over. And yet, somehow, despite Zach desperately praying that she would at least stumble, Clara sailed through every obstacle like a little daredevil. 

Zach swore hoarsely and called after her in a more than serious tone;

"This is no fuckin' joke Clara! Get back here! NOWW!!!"

Damn, how could a cold blooded killer like her be so petulant?! He wondered.