Chapter 239 Obscenity II

The more Nelson spoke, the more crestfallen Violet became. She looked like she was slowly coming to terms with what was happening to her. At the same time, the tears she had been holding back for so long even in such an unfavorable situation began to spill with the speed of a gushing torrent.

Nelson only got more excited watching her in such a pathetic state; bound with ropes, dressed in rags and helpless to the extent that even he felt pity for her. 

Previously she had looked down on him with that cold gaze that chilled his soul every single time but that aloofness was nowhere to be seen at this time. There was only helplessness instead.

"Looks like you finally understand the situation you are in. Nod if you understand or I will be forced to send someone to the prison to look for your father who is probably still surviving in hope that you will save him from that hell."