Chapter 285 Location

Therefore, he had no means to find Blackbeard at the moment. Even though he could be sure that Blackbeard was somewhere close by based on the previous location, he couldn't pinpoint the location. 

As such he could only lead Bruce and the others in the direction of Blackbeard's last known location, the point where the blip eventually vanished, while surveying the island with the help of his drones. 

His drones were constantly combing the island in search of any living entity but finding Blackbeard was proving to be an impossible task. The location he was hiding in was probably in the blind spot of all his drones. 

Therefore, noticing the increasing restlessness of Bruce, the pressure on his shoulders was continuously increasing. 

Shaking off all the troubling and pressuring thoughts, Zach focused on looking for Blackbeard. He didn't want to imagine what Bruce might do if they failed to find the whereabouts of his sister from Blackbeard.