Chapter 327 Awesome Pardon

Thankfully, the police officer detailed to escort him to the construction camp in the wilderness turned out to be a free spirit. He was more asleep than awake even when he was walking on the road. Grace had seen him hitting several trees in his path face first like a blind man.

Grace felt that this was his chance and his blessing that the goddess of luck had bestowed upon him after the tides of misfortune that had befallen him before.

Even though his escorting officer looked severely lacking in terms of caution and responsibility, Grace didn't want to take a risk especially when his escape was so close at hand that he could almost feel the breath of freedom brushing past him.

Grace wasn't an overcautious man by nature, but the easygoing escort and his bouts of laziness and long sleep hours reeked of a plot. He was therefore unwilling to believe that nothing fishy was going on.