Chapter 330 New Stage

Underneath all their schemes, the reason that the Hunter family had targeted him, and the Windsor family was the cheap greed of their leader and his foolish ambition of staying at the top for the untold future. The venture itself was foolish, for nothing that had reached top could remain there forever, not even the divine. Every rise was followed by a fall no matter how long it took. There were no absolutes in the world.

But now that he had become a Viscount of the empire, it was like he was seeing a different world. The world that had shunned him in the past was more than just accepting. It was practically rolling itself on the ground in front of it as if to please him and provide him with comfort during his walks.

Zach wasn't used to it but the feeling wasn't half bad. After being misunderstood for so long, he felt like he deserved to be brown nosed by others if only a little bit.