Chapter 369 Failed Seduction

Based on his daily habits, Diana knew that Zach would still be in his office at that time. Therefore, she wore a gown over her leotard and pranced towards his office which was adjacent to his room.

Fortunately for her, there was no one else living in the same hallway that housed both her and Zach's room. She didn't have to cover herself up completely to walk to his office.

She took off the gown outside the doorway before pushing the door open with a slight creaking noise that attracted his attention.

She looked absolutely seductive like a temptress. Her long legs were further emphasized by the lack of pants in her outfit. Her milky white thighs and her bouncy bosom were completely on display for Zach to feast his eyes on.

Diana closed the door behind her. Swinging her hips seductively from side to side, she approached Zach who was seated on his study table surrounded by a bunch of books and reference materials.