Chapter 373 I Will Be Gentle

She no longer bothered about what Zach would think when she tried to kiss him back given her inexperience in the field while Zach was already a veteran. 

His past experience even included a succubus. So, even though she was worried about not being able to fill the shoes of her predecessors, she still wanted to be good enough for him.

The kiss turned extremely passionate as her inexperienced tongue tried to fight back against Zach's elusive and active invasion. Saliva splattered everywhere as two tongues entwined with each other like two flexible snakes.

Their kiss lasted for a bit, and when he took his head back to take a good look at Diana, a thin string of saliva connecting their mouths glistened in the light that brightened the room. It bridged the increasing gap in between their mouths before fading away. Its short life, the only proof of the relationship that was budding between Zacha and Diana.