Chapter 382 Master~

Despite the weight of Zach's inquisitive gaze, Diana remained steadfast and composed. Known for her resilience and determination, she didn't easily succumb to pressure, even when facing such scrutiny in front of Zach. 

In contrast, Clara felt the full force of Zach's penetrating gaze, her composure melting like ice cream in front of a blazing fire. The intensity of his scrutiny seemed to pierce through her, causing her usually resolute demeanor to falter under the weight of his probing stare. 

Unlike Diana, who had solidified her relationship with Zach, Clara remained in an uncertain, undefined position. She grappled with the limbo of their relationship, feeling anxious about the potential impact of the incident on her chances with him. 

The weight of Zach's piercing gaze felt especially cutting to her, as it delved into her uncertainties and the fear of jeopardizing any possibility of establishing a deeper connection with him.