Chapter 388 On A Daily Basis

Luna, her concern immediately kindled, shifted her focus from amusement to a gentle touch of worry. 

With a tenderness that bespoke genuine care, Luna began to rub Zach's back soothingly, her touch a pacifying balm against the unexpected consequences of their shared laughter.

As the coughing persisted, Luna whispered words of comfort, her pacifying utterances a soft melody amid the residual echoes of laughter.

The laughter faded into oblivion abruptly, replaced by the tender notes of Luna's apologetic voice. 

Her words, laden with remorse, echoed in Zach's ears, the melody of mirth giving way to a more subdued harmony and her gentle touch, now transformed from a source of comfort to a soothing gesture aimed at alleviating his discomfort, continued to rub his back with a newfound tenderness.