Chapter 400 Help Her

"Use your mouth."

The words were spoken without a tinge of emotion, but Brittany smiled even more brightly after hearing the order. Because it meant that the cat was already in the bag. She didn't need to work overtly hard if the man was already eager to do the deed and was conveying his fetishes before they barely began.

Brittany didn't reveal the calculations she had made on her face for everyone else to witness. Instead, she revealed a blissful yet alluring look to keep Zach from turning away from her.

She pulled back her outstretched arms and raised her lower body and got on her knees. She used her teeth to unbutton his waistband slowly. She took her sweet time for every little action but not long enough for Zach to disregard her.

The innocent expression on her face as she expertly used her teeth to undo his buttons was alluring to say the least. Zach's member had already begun to twitch and throb inside his pants.