Chapter 427

"Well yes I did say that." Bruce said and although he wanted to say mire he was unable to do so as Zach was quick to cut him off.

"Well you see that is exactly my point. You said that everyone is anxious and upset however they all seem to be happy and they all greeted me with respect. The only person that seems to have a problem with all of this is you. it isn't all of the worker that are having trouble. Only you are." Zach said to him adamantly.

"It isn't just me that has doubts. The rest of the Smiths are having doubts as well." Bruce said to him surprised that he would try to play that card on him.

Zach quirked a brow as he raised his hand before gesturing towards the lively factory workers where some of them were whistling a tune as they worked and most of them were chatting happily.