Chapter 434

He had lost quite a lot of money by hiring more workers and bumping up their wages. Before he could get the company stable again and would be able to start making profit it would take a lot of time.

And with his new idea of reducing the workers working hours it would mean that production would be shorter as they wouldn't be working as hard.

Although he felt as though there were several factors that were on his side at the moment she could see right through it all. She knew that his house was like oner stacked on dominos.

It wasn't going to last long and with the eyes of all of his other competitors trained on him. It was only a matter of time before he came crashing down.

She for one knew for a fact that it wasn't going to last and she was going to make sure that she was there for the time when it was all going to fall apart around him.

He thought that he was going to be some sort of savior or a knight in shining armor by that wasn't true.