Chapter 439

That was another reason why they were so indebted to him and they were so determined to work for him.

They could see what he had done for them even when he was at his lowest and they were willing to help him when he was at his own lowest.

Despite the fact that Candice could see that Zach was winning the hearts of the people on the city she knew that what she wanted to win wasn't the business battle between the two of them.

In the end what her and the rest of the royal family was for them to win the battle at the border. Zach may not have realized it yet but indirectly what he was doing including his actions were working towards helping his enemies.

He had thought that he was too smart to be fooled by Candice but what he didn't realize was that he had fallen right into her trap.

She was using him and his industry to generate more money for the city.