The warriors spoke in hushed tones, eyes flitting around as if to make certain no one even saw them. The tallest of the guards nodded before departing, only to cross the dark walls that led to the tunnel and went out of sight, the other looking about in like manner before going back into Edgar's wing.

Selene yawned again and looked at the door, as if hoping that some miracle would make it budge. She had been kept locked up since last night, at least she had Mia then but now Mia had been taken out for breakfast and she hadn't seen her at all. Time wasn't really readable when she had no pocket watch and no bells rang at dawn and sunset like in Riverland. She only stared at the clouds which seemed to maintain a grey tint, the coming winter was not the best of seasons to read clouds, it could be evening for all she cared and she wouldn't even know.

Selene stretched to the table on her left and took another piece of bread from the platter. The caramel dripped on the carpeted floor and she sighed, another mess, her table was already a splash of butter and caramel, she knew not why the bread had excess buttering but she disliked it.

Selene pushed the plate further away, she wasn't sure she could keep down any more food. She wondered how long she'd pretend everything was fine, how long she'd have to stay strong for Mia. When her father would be tried, they'd need to be there, Mia was young but surely not stupid, she knew when there was trouble and she panicked a lot.

Selene thought of many ways to deal with her once they fled, once ethey were alone and safely away from Sol. She would tell her anything or maybe just tell her the truth. She would wait for her to be grown, for her to understand then she would tell her. They could find their father then if they wished, as a slave, a commoner. Selene shivered at the thought of such shame. The great King Cedric of Riverland washing and mopping after the Governess of Sol province. She would rather die than face such humiliation from a mere human, a woman like her very self. Selene knew she would find a way out, some how the pieces would fit in place but first she had to flee, for Mia's sake and safety.

The thought of the Lord crossed her mind, he had saved her yesterday, she was sure of it but then she wondered what had been after her in the tunnel, she refused to think of the possibility of a walker pouncing on her at the dark lonely corridor with her defenceless. Many tales had came to Riverland about the walkers, an abomination of witches, a dead body with a living soul, taking blood and essence to remain living. The Kiro was most feared with the sorcery, the rumours of the walkers being their army in battle was heard among all the land, the Sols was their only threat, both constantly warring but Selene wondered for how long? The walkers were as strong as the legendary Undead brothers, the legend was told across the land of the twin that fought a whole clan with their bare hands. The dark craft of the witches had led to the council prohibiting witchcraft and burning those that dared to practice it many years ago.

If there really was a walker amongst the Sols she feared for Mia and herself, she had heard of the lords hatred for the creatures and she held to the belief, not dwelling on the possibility of it being untrue. If he had for some reason saved her from the walker the previous night, the ruthless lord may not do so next time. She had to find another escape route from the manor.

The click that came from the door made Selena quickly spring to her feet. The maid came in with a tray of food, a goblet of water in hand as well. The guard bowed and so did the maid.

"Lunch Miss" she said and laid the tray too carefully on the table, taking the old tray away and glancing at her as she cleaned up the spilled syrup and caramel on the table.

"Where is my sister" Selene asked as the maid rose to leave

"She is with mistress Diana, my lady" the guard replied curtly

"Can you send her back here? "Selene asked

"My lady, she shall rest in her room" the man replied

Selene frowned at his words

"Can you bring her here?" Selene asked

"The lord had ordered that she be given a chamber, Miss" guard replied

"Why? She is fine with me, thank your Lord but bring her back" Selena said holding in her anger. Who was the man to tell het what to do with her young sister?

"I'm afraid that will not be done, the Lord had given orders. The princess has settled, her things has been taken to her new chamber, with the lords consent, you may see her"and the guard said

"May?! May?! "Selene asked in awe at such response, it was hard to believe Mia had just been taken from her without her approval and even harder to believe that the Lord wanted to keep them from seeing.

"I demand to see my sister this minute. We are not making complains of staying together" Selene said angrily

"I'm sorry but the Lord h.... "

"He has nothing! She is just a child, how can she sleep alone? " Selene asked.

She would gladly fit into a can with her, she couldn't be away from her, not now.

"You may speak to the Lord on this when he seeks your presence" the guard replied with bow and left, closing the door and locking it.

Selene stood dumbfounded, then alone did she realise the maid was out too.

Mia, sleep alone. She always had since their mother passed away. Only coming to her chamber when the storm came or when she had a bad dream. Mrs Ronny was the closest thing to a grand mother the child had, although Selena found her a bit too stiff with rules but Mia seemed to love the graying woman and the woman her.

But they needed each other now than ever, she couldn't leave her to be alone, not with her experiences last night, not with the lord's threats.

Selene stomped to the door and pounded on it, demanding to be heard.

"Let me out!!!" Selena yelled with all she had. Her fists on the door as she yelled and kicked.

Her mind reeled. All that could happen to Mia with the lawless men in the castle, they would take advantage of her, just like they did other women, she wouldn't allow that.

"I demand to see your Lord and talk sense to him. He cannot take my sister away from me! We are not prisoners here" Selene shouted, not letting her sore fists leave the hard wood.

Selene felt angry tears well up her eyes, she was going through all this as a woman, she knew it. A Prince would be given more respect as heir of Riverland even in their current predicament. They saw her just like her father did-as a mere woman. Someone they could easily sell out or whore out if her father lost to Governess Alexandra.

Selene watched as her pale flesh turned pink and her knuckles bled from impact on the hard door that seemed not to receive a scratch. Going to the dresser that sat at the left wall, Selene flung it open and scoured her trunk and quickly ripped the first hue gown that came to sight. Wrapping the strip around the knuckles and across her palm roughly, she winced as the cloth pulled at her fresh wound. Selene grabbed the chair she had sat by the window and gave a powerful hit to the door. The sound it made was satisfactory to her own ears and she wasted no time in giving another hit, then another and another.

The wood weakend and Selene watched as a leg fell to the floor but that didn't stop her. She aimed more at the handle and hit with all her might, the metal clinking in and out of place as she did.

The footsteps she heard as she paused for another hit made her stop, the closer the steps approached, Selene held the chair in a tight grip and backed from the door a bit.

The door burst open and there stood the Lord with a confused frown.

"What madness is this?" Edgar asked with an irritated tone

"I want to see my sister! " Selena said, trying to control her rapid breathing

"And if you can not? All you do is break woods? Of what use will that be, I'll just send you to the dungeons" Edgar spat

"And I'll tear down this manor" Selena retorted

"I'll have you bounded to the walls" he stated

"Give my sister back, she has no business with you " She spat.

"Bring her" Edgar said to the two men that stood behind him

Selene began her struggles as strong vice like grips went on her arms and she was dragged after the striding Lord.

She bit her lips as she reopened her knee wounds. The guards seemed as merciless as their lord as they led her to where she knew was the throne room. The guards at the entrance of the big door pushed it open and the Lord strode in and she was shortly after dumped in a heap on the floor.

Selene quickly stood, holding her whimper as her knee throbbed. The guards went to the far ends of the room to stand along the two that already stood by either sides of the door.

"I see you are as stupid as you are stubborn " Edgar said

"It is your foolishness I see lord, for thinking I'd let you take my sister" Selene replied

The room went quiet as Edgar stood still, not even blinking at the girl that stood before him. He was beginning to believe that her height and looks was a cloak he had to look beyond, he was before a woman and not a child, she spoke as such. Edgar watched as her eyes studied him carefully, her hands clenched to tiny fists by her sides, the quick way she breathed he also noticed.

"The princess shall stay at her chamber and so will you or you both go back to the dungeon, and watch your mouth child, I won't be mocked in my home" Edgar stated

"Is that a threat? " Selene asked

"Watch if it is" Edgar came back

"I am no prisoner here until my father is tried" Selena said

"You are under my command and not even the council tells me what to do with my subjects" Edgar responded coldly

Selene gulped at his tone but held her chin as she usually did. She refused to be intimidated and allow them the chance to hurt Mia, she would never forgive herself.

" You will be taken to another chamber, I believe such madness will not be repeated child, don't test my patience, I am not known for it" Edgar said conclusively

" I am not a child! My sister is a child, I need to be with her? " Selena said

"So you can run? Flee with her? If you want to run so badly do that alone. You will rot in the dungeon if you are caught but the little princess stays alone. I am not foolish" Edgar replied

"You will not get away with either of this, the council will see to it" Selene spat spitefully

"But I will, you will be my slave" Edgar replied softly as he closed the distance between them, standing a breathe away from her flushed angry face.

" You will rot in with Thanatos before I do, you pig" Selene responded swiftly.

Edgar turned angrily to her with a fist, his first instinct to shut her up. No one dared disrespect him, no one.

He took deep breathes as he watched the hint of fear that came to her green eyes. He grabbed hold of her shoulder and forced her to her knee, hand on her neck as he did so.

Her tiny hands quickly came to her neck too and she struggled in his hold. Edgar was sure his grip wasn't tight but just enough to warn.

"I will feed you to the dogs if you dare anger me again, child" Edgar promised

He watched as her frightened expression turned to pain. He loosened his grip and watched as her hands went to support her knee, her head fallen. Edgar could see the red that mapped on the yellow gown she wore. Her hands were tied in hue material too and blood was seeping out of it.

Edgar went to her, grabbing her injured hands out of impulse, he didn't want to see her blood, he didn't want to see her pains. He took the hand in his and removed the strips of cloth. The right hand looked less worse than the left which was bruised and opened. Edgar knew not when he knelt as well, neither did he realise when he lifted her face to clean her tear streaked eyes. Guilt stabbed him as she watched her hopeless and pained expression. Her lips wobbled in an attempt to hold in tears, her lids held shut tightly.

"Why did you do this to yourself?" He asked softly, feeling sorry for her.

"I want to see my sister" Selena replied with shaky voice

"She is fine. I have a lady assigned to her" Edgar assured

"She is all I have, please" Selene begged.

Edgar sighed at her vulnerability and rose, pulling her up as he did

His eyes went to her knee again and guilt filled him. He never hurt women, he knew better. His mother had been treated like filth, he could not do same to her. He was yet to know why but some part of him wanted to keep her fire. Her daring, feisty and outspoken fire. He feared what would happen if she broke, she'd be a figurine, her beauty priced but her soul nonexistent. He didn't want that. He needed the council to bring Cedric fast so he could send her to her fate before he lost his sanity.

"Come with me" he said and went to hallway, approaching the seventh room on his left, the door that was pushed open as he approached.

"Mia! "Selene said loudly as she was taken to the chamber that sat at the end of the hallway. A maid stood next to Mia braiding her hair. The little girl ran to her innocently, seemingly unaffected by her absence at all.

"They said you were leaving to see daddy" Mia said hopefully

Selene turned to look at the Lord who just stared blankly back at her. She forced a smile and pulled Mia into a hug, kissing her thick hair.

"Father is fine" Selena said and rose.

"When will he come? " Mia asked

"Soon" Selene said

She sniffed the happy tears back and smiles at the maid who was beaming at them.

"There are things I have to do now Mi...but I'll put you to bed later okay?" Selene said

"Okay.. I will have apple today, she said there's so much in the garden" Mia chirped happily

" Do eat it a lot" Selene encouraged with a smile and turned out of the room, hearing as the maid closed it

"You are allowed to see your sister but you will not go out with her beyond the walls of this room without watch" Edgar stated

Selene nodded and turned to look at the closed door again. Anything to keep her with Mia.

"come, let the physician see your hand and knee" Edgar said and left her away to the west wing of the manor.

He should apologize to the girl but "Sorry" was never his word. Maybe it was best he stayed clear of the princess, he didn't want to hurt her and he didn't like the unexplainable nervous feeling her presence brought. Maybe he had to stay away this time, only a fool fell into a pit twice, Edgar thought.