The True Filth

When Mo Dao opened his eyes he was inside a white room and a pitch-black mask was hovering before him. Mo Dao didn't have a corporal body rather it was made of bright specks of light.

"Who are you"

"I am [FILTH], I was the one who brought you into this world."


"I chose a million people randomly from different worlds to inherit my mantle and you are among them, a chosen of [FILTH]"

"[FILTH] What are you?"

"Boy, I am [FILTH] for now you won't understand so pipe it down."

"Send me back, I don't want your mantle"

"I won't send you back"

It was a firm reply without any room for reconciliation. After a few seconds, it was the mask that spoke

"Boy even if you don't fight, others will come for you sooner or later since only one person can inherit my mantle"

"You mean other chosen, where are they?"

"They are distributed in different worlds, 5 chosen in one world and all will meet after ascending the astral realm"

"What is the astral realm?"

"That's your task to find out don't ask me."

"Why do you want to abdicate your power, don't tell me it's for the greater cause"

Mo Dao sneered even though he was surprised how he got the courage to question this great existence but the mask didn't seem to mind it at all and answered like a stagnant pool of water

"You aren't qualified enough to know that"

"When will I be qualified?"

"After ascending to the astral realm"

"How strong are you?"

"Right now I am talking to all my million chosen at the same time, You tell me how strong I am?"


Mo Dao was genuinely flabbergasted this time.

"Boy did you think you got special treatment, naive"

"Is there no other way?"

"No, either win or die. Boy, don't resent me maybe you'll thank me in future, as for returning it's not a big deal there are a lot more things you can do at my level. Now time to go back, hope you ascend to the astral realm or we won't ever meet again, Goodbye"

Soon his consciousness returned and Mo Dao opened his eyes. They were colder than ever. Mo Dao stood there while guards came to clean up the body. He was still thinking about his conversation with [FILTH], while mask said that he was talking to all his chosen at the same time it might not be the same after ascending to the astral realm. Those who ascend earlier will gain more information.

Mo Dao felt a sense of urgency, this world has 4 other chosen beside him. While this world is too large for Mo Family, it isn't the same for the stronger ones. He transmigrated in the body of a young master with a cultivation of Innate 6 rank. What if some other guy got an even better body or if he has a bigger backing, he took 3 days for his first kill but others might be faster than him. Mo Dao felt a cold sword lying on his neck ready to decapitate him at any moment.

At the same time, his attention went towards the panel which has changed.

{Name:- Mo Dao

Cultivation:- Innate 6 stage

Cultivation Technique:- Raging Fire Internal technique (70 years worth of internal energy)+

Martial skill:- Bright Sword (Beginner)+, Vajra Body (Beginner)+

Evil points:- 100

Origin points:- 1000


Evil points can be acquired by doing felony. Evil points are a concentration of karma, miasma, death energy, evil energy etc, Uses will be unlocked as the strength of chosen increases.

Origin points can be acquired by killing any living or spiritual being. It is a concentration of vitality and soul power of the deceased. Origin points can be used to strengthen or deduce martial arts and to comprehend the laws.}

After looking at the panel Mo Dao understood its use. Bai Junyun was directly killed so there are less evil points but he was a peak Innate Martial Artist so the origin points he gave were a lot. Looking at the plus sign at the end of techniques Mo Dao wanted to try it. His predecessor had practiced Martial arts for full 7 years and then he had broken through Innate rank 6.

Martial skill is a way to convert internal energy into lethal attacks. Mastering a skill has three stages Beginner, Intermediate and Consummation. At the third level, a person has completely mastered a skill. While a cultivation technique is a way to absorb vitality from heaven and earth to convert it into internal energy.

Mo Dao guided his consciousness to the + sign on the panel and it started to change.

[Upgrade Raging Fire Internal Technique to 7th stage-200 origin]


A raging heat came from his dantian flowing through his whole body. This was the raging internal energy of the Raging Fire technique.


His whole body was shaken.

{Cultivation:- Innate 7 stage

Cultivation Technique:- Raging Fire Internal technique (100 years worth of internal energy)+

Martial skill:- Bright Sword (Beginner)+, Vajra Body (Beginner)+

Evil points:- 100

Origin points:- 800}

It took 200 origin points to break through the 7th stage and 800 remained. Thinking like that he directed his consciousness to the plus points again. There were changes on the panel.

[Upgrade Bright Sword to Intermediate-300 origin]

[Upgrade Vajra Body to Intermediate-300 origin]


Both Bright Sword and Vajra Body were elevated to new levels. Along with that Mo Dao felt a sharp energy rising in his body just infusing it in the Sword the lethality was far ahead. He felt his skin, bones and all the internal organs being strengthened. This was the effect of Vajra Body and Bright Sword.

{ Cultivation Technique:- Raging Fire Internal technique (100 years worth of internal energy)

Martial skill:- Bright Sword (Intermediate), Vajra Body (intermediate)

Evil points:-100

Origin points:-200 }

300 origin points were used for each of the two skills to reach the Intermediate. Plus sign also disappeared due to insufficient origin points.

Just by killing a peak Innate master Mo Dao got an overall boost. While it sounds easy how many people at the Innate 6 stage can kill a peak Innate Martial Artist? Mo Dao sincerely thanked his lucky stars that he stole the body of a young master not of a beggar or an orphan. Looking at the prisoners all around him Mo Dao's eyes were shining.