Reaching Capital




The carriage has been moving for several hours and these hours were one of most despairing hours in Jun Xiao's life.

Inside two of his favourite maids were being violated for hours. He didn't knew what Mo Dao did but they suddenly became more loyal to that Demon. While he knew it was aquesed by them but the sound of adultery was just so unbearable that he couldn't help but feel resentment towards them.

Inside the carriage Mo Dao just bursted his load inside one of them and adjusted his clothes. He gave these two choice between surrender or death and just like any sentient being they also wanted to live. They were only innates so it only took a thousand evil points each.

"Huu rest well."

Mo Dao walked towards the coach and sat between them taking the rains of carriage from Gu Zhan.

"How much time remains?"

"At least 13 hours to reach capital." Jun Xiao replied instantly

"Okey, go clean the insides and tend to my maids carefully." Mo Dao spoke with a intrigued smile

"Yes, leader." Jun Xiao went inside

A few hours ago Mo Dao left Minghe with Jun Xiao and Gu Zhan for capital. If he wanted to become a saint going to capital was a must. A Saint does not need any cultivation technique specifically since beyond Grandmaster its more about laws. But reading a few Saint level cultivation techniques can definitely provide a picture how to approach for Nirvana. In a barren place like Minghe there wasn't any knowledge related to sainthood and same can be said for Anyang, there's only one saint deployed there by Imperial Family.

Sainthood is sublimation of body and soul where Martial Artist lays the foundation for establishment of Unique world. The soul is merged with body then every drop of blood contains a seed which can pass the consciousness to a vessel after death of original body. The vessel can only be a descendent from a common ancestor. It isn't complete resurrection but only passing of legacy to future generations. Thus in Martial world if enmity is established with a saint then destroy his whole bloodline after death otherwise there's a chance a new saint will rise from the same bloodline in future but with a strong aptitude.

One needs to complete Nine Nirvana and survive Five Calamities to pass sainthood and ascend to Monarchy. In this world Information is even more valuable than life since everyone wants to ascends and feel the perfection but only a select few can. It all comes down to benefits.

Wu Yun and all his underlings left for Anyang since that's the place where a inheritance site of blood demon sect is present.

Mo Dao wanted to reach capital as soon as possible since that way Jun Xiao won't be suspected and Mo Dao will gain a foothold in capital for his future endeavors.

One has to admit Mo Dao had guts of iron, since he knew sooner or later he'll face stronger opponents then there's no need to be covert and hide, the safest place for him is general Jun's mansion. If his underlings get caught then that's no big deal it's only natural for demons to be captured after a massacre, they won't be able to spill out anything about him and he'll also gain more origin by their deaths, all the more reason for them to take charge. For Mo Dao his own safety is Supreme before any kind of Inheritance.


The carriage started flying in the air, wind propelled it and thunder sizzled increasing it's speed comparable to that of a Grandmaster.

Mo Dao looked at his panel

{ Name:- Mo Dao

Constitution:-Battle God Physique

Cultivation:- Grandmaster 9th stage

Cultivation Technique:- Five Elements Divine technique(9th level)

Skill:- Void Steps(Consummation), Bright Sword(Consummation), Black Demon absorption technique(Consummation), Illusionary Spirit Hand(Consummation), Purple Thunder(Consummation)

Supernatural powers:- Riding wind and thunder(Consummation), Sun Demon(Consummation), One with water(Consummation), One with Thunder(Consummation), Frozen Bliss(Consummation),

Laws:- Severance(8%)

[Evil points:- 28million]

[Origin points:- 54000] }

Slaughtering the whole Minghe gave Mo Dao a lot more evil points then he expected. Cultivation of Martial Artists in Minghe should not produce this much evil points then there can only be one reason which is combined karma and miasma of a lot of deaths produces more evil points than single ones.

Mo Dao had 16 million origin after the slaughter. He reached Stage-9 Grandmaster and also learned the laws from county lord Gu's corpse. He also upgraded his cultivation technique to Five Elements.

When Mo Dao became a stage-9 Grandmaster he could sense the laws in the surrounding to some extent and a new column of laws appeared in the panel. To comprehend the residues of law of severance left in the corpse of Gu Zhang, Mo Dao burned 7million origin but it only comprehend 8%. There was no progress since the laws had vanished after comprehension.

Mo Dao's face changed to that of Cao Ming and his body adjusted. His bones and meridians also took different shape. Faint streaks of purple thunder ran in his eyes. Mo Dao also learned a few skills and supernatural powers same as Cao Ming to make himself more authentic. He took out a Silver slip from his space ring and infused his consciousness in it. A map appeared in his head pointing to a mountain in Dacun Empire. This is the location of Saintly weapon that Gu Zhang traded for his son's life. A saintly weapon can only be weilded by a saint who attained atleast one Nirvana. He put it back and concentrated on the path.

The journey of 13hours was completed in 3hours. Now even if they know about massacre at Minghe they shouldn't relate it with Jun Xiao. For a Grandmaster to fly a carriage this far is impossible. Mo Dao can only do this since his body contains all Five kinds of elemental energy in vast amount due to Battle God Physique. The Physique not only increases his strength, endurance and energy reserves but also stamina in bed.

Mo Dao squinted his eyes and looked at the behemoth miles away. One word, Gigantic. It was spread into an area of thousands of kilometers.

Mo Dao didn't knew how to describe it since difference between Minghe and Capital was like heaven and earth. If he'd seen Province Anyang then he wouldn't be so baffled since a province overlooks on multiple counties and capital overlooks multiple Provinces.

The gate was massive with two 500meter high stone statues of warriors with horns and scales in kneeling position on each sides. It shows the compassion and devotion of Long Imperial family for their citizens and many actually worship them for regulation of order in empire.

A long queue was waiting for their turn to enter capital among them were several masters and Grandmasters. Mo Dao also saw a few carriages passing through another entrance beside the queue and moved the carriage in that direction.

He showed the emblem and documents relating his connection to General Jun. As he entered the capital Mo Dao again marveled at the sight, the roads were wide enough for three carriages to pass while there were still shops. Grandmasters were flying above but below 500meters. In capital long only saints are allowed to fly above 500meter flying above that will be taken as a offence to saints in capital. Of course it's only applied to citizens of Long Empire if disciples of Martial Soul sect arrive or an intrusion from another Empire then it won't be a big deal even if they directly land on the castle, except in former they'll be greeted with courtesy and latter will be a declaration of war. Every society needs division of class be it based on caste, color, fortune or connections to maintain the competition and growth of society.

Mo Dao sped up the carriage in direction of Jun family mansion. As he moved another carriage caught up to him and the two started running parallel to each other. Mo Dao looked at the carriage and the emblem was of a Winged Sword in Jade hands. From what Jun Xiao told him the carriage belonged to Xie family in capital. A old man whipped the horses and looked at Mo Dao with provocative eyes. The coachman sat beside old man guiding the horses.

"Haha Cao Ming when did you changed your profession or is Jun mansion lacking in staff?"

Mo Dao did not replied, all of Jun Xiao's entourage was slaughtered to erase all suspension since ignorant and foolish guys tend to defy the unknown thus even if Mo Dao placed them under Bind he won't be sure that there won't create a blunder.

"I heard brother Jun went to find his childhood friend, did he failed or Was he denied of affection?" Another jeer came from the carriage and a young face poked out from the window with a mocking smile plastered on.

Jun Xiao clenched his hands in frusturation, his day was already bad but now he met a asshole gosipper, it can't get any worse. This child was 2nd son of Xie family which has especially bad relationship with him.

Xie family and Jun family oppose each other since both of them possess post of a general under long family and deployed in western front but unlike Jun family Xie family has two saints. Other saint of Xie family is deployed in Anyang as the Governor.

Jun Xiao bottled down all his frustration, he lifted the curtains elegantly and stared at Xia An with indifferent eyes. They both stared daggers at each other.

"Brother Xie, what are you doing?"

"Brother Jun I was only worried about your health since your entourage and coachman was nowhere to be seen."

"Then, have you seen enough. Stop chasing our carriage."

Xie An smiled and nodded in affirmation but the carriage did not slowed down.

Mo Dao looked at the old man, he was stage-6 grandmaster a stage above real Cao Ming. As Mo Dao waved his hand the surrounding Vital energy was stirred up and in response the old man also waved his hands with a smile but next moment his smile stiffened and he vanished from his place.


The while carriage broke down in two halves from mid, left one remained stuck while right one flew ahead without breaks destroying many shops. Looking closely thick earth spikes had pierced the wheels of carriage and stopped it's movement in an instant which in turn broke it in two halves.

Xie An was floating in the air, the old man held him by shoulders. His face was dark and knuckles were white from pressure but he gritted a few words out

"How did this happen?"

"I'm sorry Young Master, It was due to my negligence." He dare not speak that even with full strength he couldn't stop that attack. He was a stage-6 grandmaster and couldn't block a stage-5 grandmaster, that would sound absurd.

Xie An took a deep breath

"We're leaving, tell servants to treat the horses and coachman."


Inside the carriage Jun Xiao took a sigh of relief.

"Why was he so aggressive towards you?"

"Our families don't have good relations and I'm stronger than him despite being the third heir of Jun family that's why he's a bit obsessed with competing against me."

Mo Dao nodded and asked a few more questions. He noted down the enmity between Jun and Xie.

"We've arrived young master." Mo Dao spoke with reverence

Jun Xiao was creeped out from the friendly tone and Gu Zhan had eyes filled with disbelief but both of them collected themselves remembering Mo Dao's instructions.

Jun Xiao nodded and went inside with Gu Zhan.

Mo Dao took a horse and left for Cao Ming's home. After a few turns he arrived before a manor. It had a large garden where flowers and ponds were decorated. A women was feeding the fishes while another one was collecting flowers, they were Cao Ming's concubines.

"Husband, when did you arrive?"

A voice came from Mo Dao's back. A beautiful women with plump body and thin waist was staring at him with round eyes. Mo Dao gave a gentle smile and gave a short peck on her lips. The other two also saw him and came forward to greet. Mo Dao dragged them inside the house and amidst the giggles and laughter an intense session started.

A few hours layer Mo Dao stood up from the bed and poured a glass of juice for himself. After he relished in the sweetness on his tongue, he slowly turned around.

The three women gave him sweet smiles and Mo Dao also smiled back but there was nothing sweet about his smile rather it gave them chills. In the moment of passion those three already understood that this Cao Ming is an imposter, how can mere body transformation deceive them when they embraced that body every day.

Mo Dao was also aware of it, no matter how great his disguise is it won't match the real sensation. In both behaviour and demeanor Mo Dao is very different than Cao Ming. While he can deceive his colleagues with excuses but that won't work on bed.

"You aren't Cao Ming."

The one who first spoke with Mo Dao sat and spoke with certainty. The sheets were down exposing bare breast but her eyes were fixated on Mo Dao.

Mo Dao moved forward and gave a deep tongue kiss and she didn't resisted either.

"Cao Ming is dead." Mo Dao suddenly dropped the bombshell upon them

"Jun Xiao knows about it, so you've two choices surrender or die."

Their eyes trembled and they bit their lips

"I won't surrender, go ahead kill me." The woman Mo Dao kissed was first one to defy him

"What about you two?"

"w-we'll surrender senior."

"Yes senior we'll do as you please." Other two spoke and they even exposed their breast

Mo Dao smiled then


Both of them exploded into blood mist, the residue also caught fire and vanished

"Why leave me?" She spoke with a soft smile but Mo Dao can feel the monstrous hate and resentment in her eyes.


She died without any remains.


Mk Dao's eyes were gloomy and he crushed the glass in his hand.

He looked towards the Imperial castle. The news about destruction of Minghe will arrive tomorrow before that he'll have to meet Jun Xiao once.