

The whole cottage blew up and the roof flew far away. There were five pools of blood and gore on the ground while pieces of body parts were all around the floor.


A wrathful scream came from old man with blood red eyes and veins popping on his bald head, he stared at Mo Dao with extreme hatered.


The ground exploded and multiple wooden hands hundreds of meters long covered in green fire moved towards Mo Dao. A dome made of earth was created that covered both old man and Mo Dao.


A green fire exploded in the sky illuminating the surrounding for kilometers


The old man was covered in green fire and a wooden Sword appeared in his hand covered in the same fire. He chopped at Mo Dao but Mo Dao was totally calm without any fluster. He came to this house and took the whole family as a hostage. When the old man arrived Mo Dao wanted to soul bind him so he handed him his family back. Mo Dao had warned him to not try anything funny but this old man who's only a stage-6 grandmaster sneakily attacked him and the end is expected. Next second his family members exploded and the man went crazy.


The old man looked at Mo Dao in disbelief, his full strength was stopped with two fingers. The Sword that he prided himself for, combination of two supernatural powers was stuck between Mo Dao's fingers and crushed just like that



Next second the Sword was crushed and a punch blasted his whole left chest leaving a wide cavity behind.

"You were foolish"


Mo Dao disappeared and the corpse fell down. A few minutes later streaks of light arrived above the site and looking at the destruction and corpse their faces were gloomy.

They were all comrades who worked as Imperial Guards for decades, the green fire was a signal for help. They flew as soon as they saw it but it was too late and the perpetrator also disappeared.

Mo Dao was flying towards his inn. It was deep in the night and he has collected enough origin points without alerting a saint. Mo Dao secluded himself in the room


His domain covered the room tightly and Mo Dao swiped his finger in air which created a space crack which was a lot deeper than before. Mo Dao entered the deep space, this time he felt the space law more closely.

[Origin points:-9.8million]

[Space law detected does chosen wants to comprehend]

"Do it"

Mo Dao felt serenity and peace but the sensation was a lot deeper than yesterday. Space laws are most abundant, a peak Grandmaster with sufficient foundation can create a Space crack and learn it but Space law is also the rarest and hardest to comprehend. Without sufficient aptitude forget about Learning many can't even feel it no matter how deep they dug in folds of space.


A few minutes later Mo Dao opened his eyes and the space inside his domain shattered into cubes of uneven sizes. Mo Dao clenched his hand and all the pieces twisted and crunched together taking the form of a spear. The surrounding area started healing but the spear was still in his hand emitting a deadly aura. Mo Dao smiled, he's sure this spear could easily hurt or even kill a Nirvana-1 Saint if caught off guard.


The space healed and Mo Dao released his domain after a while.

[Laws:- Severance(8%), Space(8%)]

Severance is a very weak law compared to Space since it can't even be counted as a worldly law. Laws like Severance are comprehended to achieve sainthood with minimal risk involved.

It was sunrise and Mo Dao left to meet Jun Xiao.

In his manor Jun Xiao was pacing back and forth when he saw someone sitting on his seat,


"Hm, did Gu Zhan leave?"

"He left yesterday and no one doubted us. I've collected everything about sainthood along with some Body refining manuals from Jun family scripture pavellion but you'll have to wait to get my father's collection."

"Show it to me."

Jun Xiao brought five large envelopes and presented to Mo Dao. Mo Dao opened them and started reading

[Nirvana:- To attain Nirvana a law needs to be comprehended after reaching peak Grandmaster. When one comprehends it to great success he can invoke the tribulation of laws to become a saint. The laws try to destroy the body and only after resisting and suppressing the tribulation of laws Nirvana will be achieved. In Nirvana the world itself reshapes the body in the most desirable form. Nirvana transcends the racial borders. Many saints infuse bloodlines of beasts or alien species during Nirvana which leads to a change at molecular level. Their characteristic can be elevated with each Nirvana but cannot be changed after first Nirvana. Once opted a person needs to follow the same path for all Nine Nirvana and strengthen himself in the best way possible. After Nirvana a Martial Artist loses the weakness of single consciousness since the body and spirit has been sublimated thus it is also believed that after attaining Nirvana you break away from reincarnation cycle. Death after a sainthood is eternal Without reincarnation. ]

[Calamity:- That was the term ancient sages spelled for the direct malice and suppression of world and laws on a saint after he achieves 2nd-Nirvana. Many call it concentration of karma that they owe the world for breaking away from cycle of reincarnation. There are Five Calamities in total and they come at different times in different ways. When a calamity strikes chances of death are a lot higher once caught off guard or in a peril. Thus saints rarely fight but when they fight they don't pull any punches especially if they feel the faint malice from world, that means the calamity is about to descend.]

Mo Dao kept reading and only stopped in afternoon. He rubbed his temples and started pondering, many things he didn't understood before cleared up.

It is said that Imperial family has blood of ancient Dragon running through their veins then how could Martial Soul Sect let them rule humans but now Mo Dao understood they aren't offspring of a Dragon rather they infused the bloodline of an ancient Dragon in their body during Nirvana. Infusing bloodlines of high ranking monsters increases the talent and aptitude of the bearer as well as his descendent and in future his descendents can break away from the bloodline if they feel so using the same method.

Mo Dao needs to find his own way, he can't continue cultivating with a normal human body when everyone else is searching for perfection.

He took out another envelope that contained the body cultivation techniques. Mo Dao only chose two which could help in strengthening his body others were too mediocre so he burnt them. But

[Origin points-0]

Mo Dao was very stressed looking at the origin points. He can't keep living on change, since killing is inevitable why go after weak.

Mo Dao called for Jun Xiao


"When will your father leave?"

"I don't know senior but many saints have left the capital in groups. I think they left to confirm the involvement of a saint in Minghe massacre."

"I'll be absent for a few days. Procure all the manuals and information about sainthood from study of your father. I don't think you've much affection left for your father or family so go all out after your father leaves. In a few days the capital will be in chaos, do everything to survive and I'll pick you up before leaving capital."

Jun Xiao nodded, he really has no attachment with his father anymore he's too average before his elder brothers.


Mo Dao disappeared from the room and went towards capital prison. Almost all the Imperial Guards live in this area.

Earlier Mo Dao had planned to wait for 8 days to apply for selection of Imperial guard but he can't wait anymore. He needs origin points in bulk and a lot of information about sainthood in order to find a way for himself and the best place is naturally the Imperial castle but infiltrating upfront is akin to courting death thus Mo Dao formulated a new plan. Since becoming an Imperial guard takes too much time he'll become a criminal and enter the capital prison.


Mo Dao landed on the ground exploding many trees and boulders flew all around. His divine sense spread in an area of two kilometers and passed several messages to his underlings. Spreading divine sense in such a big area can also be counted as a provocation but Mo Dao isn't afraid as long as it's not a saint. If someone has any complaints Mo Dao doesn't mind free origin points.

Xi Ping who was grooming his children for Martial art school was stunned after receiving the divine sense. He hurriedly left for the location instructed to meet Mo Dao.



Several light streaks arrived in no time and landed all around Mo Dao.

Xi Ping was startled looking at the people alongside him. Some of them were his acquaintances and friends but he adjusted himself and focused towards Mo Dao.

"You all are my underlings so there's no need to feel strange, remember each other properly you'll all be working together in future."

"What exactly do we need to do." One of them asked meekly

"You need to imprison me in Main prison and transfer all your duties near my cell as well. Since you all are Imperial Guards no one will suspect you for treason but I'll need a little assistance from you all in prison."

After listening to Mo Dao all of them went silent, they knew sooner or later they'll have to do something for him but so early and that's inside main prison, it'll put their lives at risk along with their families.

"Senior I can't do it, if they find out then my whole fam-"


His speech was cut short and head exploded like a watermelon.

All eyes were wide from fear some even trembled.

"I wasn't asking but ordering you all. Do your best to transfer yourselves near my cell otherwise you'll face the same end as him."

"Senior for what crime do we capture you?"

"Ah, they'll be arriving soon."

Some were confuse but soon understood what Mo Dao meant. Six streaks were coming towards them at very fast speed, they were all grandmasters. They felt the divine sense scanning everything with unbridled contempt how could they swallow it.


As six of them landed they saw the group of ten looking at them with eyes full of pity and eagerness. They became vigilant

"What's going on, who'd released that divine sense so wildly."

No one answered

Mo Dao moved ahead and swiped his fingers


Two heads flew with eyes full of astonishment and confusion

"How dare you?"


Two grandmasters roared and directly attacked while other two ran away with full speed. They saw this man using Space laws which is very rare and none of the Imperial Guards standing behind raised any questions even after he killed two of them. They understood something was wrong and they are totally outnumbered so survival became priority but Mo Dao coated his hands with Space Law


Four heads flew at once. All underlings were terrified looking at Mo Dao present at four different places at the same time. Mo Dao calls this move UNITY NODE, he's standing at the same place but the space he's present overlaps with four different coordinates giving an illusion that four Mo Dao are present but it's just one. Mo Dao performs the same action in all overlaps but he can adjust the direction of overlap at different coordinates

"There you've the reason and proof of my crime."

Mo Dao spoke calmly. Some looked at him with terror while some with reverence but Mo Dao looked indifferent, the game has just started.