Chaos in capital and Death of a Saint

Near main prison of Long capital lies the homes of Imperial Guards. Some have lived in the same house for generations and joined Imperial Guards to serve Imperial family following the footsteps of their ancestors. They prided themselves for their sacrifice to the Empire but today tragedy befall the loyal and brave guards of Imperial family. Mo Dao's battle against Qin Wuxin only lasted for 2-3 minutes and the prisoners started their execution as soon as they were freed


a Grandmaster was fighting against three with higher cultivation while burning his vitality just to buy a small chance for his family to escape but


That hope was shattered as they got swallowed in earth doomed to die.

"Hahahaha die you maggots."

"Kill the bastards."

"Hey let me have some fun, it's been so long since I was relieved."

"Hahaha count me in."


Blood flowed like water and the houses were filled with pleads and despair. Front colonies were totally destroyed while the latter ones evacuated and gave sufficient obstruction to the maddened prisoners. Among the aggressors there were no peak Grandmasters, those Branded by Mo Dao already disappeared after completing their cota of five grandmasters each. They know the horror of capital, there's a chance of death against Imperial Guards let alone the saints. Some perceptive ones also noticed the disappearance of leaders who led first wave of assault to slaughter the grandmasters and followed suit.


Mo Dao flew towards the stele chamber with full speed. He was also trying to recover his energy otherwise he would've teleported directly. Ahead of him a guard was being tortured by some grandmasters and they tried to stop Mo Dao's path. They wrote a death warrant for themselves


A few heads exploded and Mo Dao flew ahead without wasting anymore time.


Mo Dao landed before the entrance and walked in


His steps echoed in the silent hall and the saints inside the stele opened their muddled and drooping eyes.

Before the nine stele was a table and chair. A man sat while reading the poetry with full concentration like he didn't heard all the mayhem outside the hall. His complexion was fair and looked very young but appearances are deceptive. As Mo Dao walked in he moved his eyes away from book and stared at Mo Dao.

Shi Zong looked at Mo Dao and sighed in depression, since a while he felt the trembling of ground and chaos outside but he didn't wanted to involve himself in the scuffle. According to his contract with Long family he only needs to guard the stele prison with his life and he has no motivations to die for the Empire either but if Mo Dao really intruded the hall then due to soul brand he'll have to fight him. Shi Zong had felt Qin Wuxin's aura disappear a while ago which means he was killed by the intruder and fighting against the same enemy Shi Zong isn't sure that he won't fall.

"You know If you'd just walked away I wouldn't have done anything at all." Shi Zong spoke slowly

"I know."

Shi Zong was confused but he quickly guessed another reason

"Then to release them, forgive me bu-"



he was cut short as Mo Dao teleported before him in an instant and hammered his fist but there was nothing but air in front of him


A kick sent Mo Dao blasting through the walls of prison.


Mo Dao reappeared in the hall and his eyes were solemn. From the scorched mark and faint presence of thunder law Mo Dao understood this man has comprehended the law of thunder to a high level.

Complete comprehension of thunder laws can definitely give him a edge in speed over half comprehension of space laws.


Electricity ran across Shi Zong's body and he appeared behind Mo Dao instantly and


his hand pierced Mo Dao's back deeper into the flesh but next moment his eyes widened in terror, he felt his hand was fixed between Gigantic mountains he couldn't shake them at all. Neither he could pull it nor insert any further



Mo Dao swung his hand as fast as he could but again like before there was only air but next second


A punch blasted Mo Dao out of the hall breaking several walls in succession.



Mo Dao stabilized his body and closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them they were filled with anger.

He isn't fast but my reaction speed is being slowed down.

Mo Dao understood that Shi Zong isn't fast but before Mo Dao attacks his nervous system gets paralysed. Mo Dao's body is half law body but other half is still vulnerable to passive effects of Nervous breakdown by usage of thunder law.


Mo Dao's domain expanded all other elements in it were swallowed by the Sun and next moment it converged towards Mo Dao


The floor and walls of prison were scorched and the temperature exceeded 2000°C but that was heat his body radiated the temperature of his internals exceeded that of 3500°C. This move of Divine Sun is far stronger than domain conversion and it can only be used by a Nirvana saint but Mo Dao is only a Grandmaster with half law body thus he can only sustain this form for a few minutes any longer than that will melt his internal organs since 3500°C is just the starting temperature and it keeps rising with time.


Mo Dao reappeared in the hall without using Space law, wherever he passed the space distorted by just his presence.

Shi Zong was alarmed by the blinding light but next moment his face changed cause he could no longer temper with Mo Dao's neurons.

After Shi Zong got sanctificatied it was too easy for him to distort a Grandmasters perception and for weak ones he could directly explode their heads from inside but against Mo Dao he could only delay it for nanoseconds. The reason was Mo Dao's half law body and refined strength but now he no longer felt any electrical discharge in Mo Dao's body rather a terrifying aura seeped out from Mo Dao. The body turned metallic, his short hair was burning and the pupil turned fiery red. Mo Dao's back wound also healed.

Mo Dao recognized Shi Zong as a more difficult opponent than Qin wuxin thus he went all out from the start.


Lightening and fire exploded as the two unleashed everything on other. Bright wave of fire releasing a blinding light collided against thousands of thick waves of electricity. The whole prison turned into purgatory.

In previous battle Qin wuxin was caught off guard and his comprehension was low otherwise the devastation would've already swept the prison killing almost all the prisoners but against Shi Zong Mo Dao needs to go all out in order to defeat him. At the same time Shi Zong can't run away or avoid the battle with Mo Dao due to soul brand and blood oath he made to Long family in exchange for ascension to sainthood.


A thunderous roar came out from Shi Zong's mouth and his body started to mutate. Long fangs emerged from mouth along with purple fur on his whole body and a tail from behind. The eyes became beastly and nails were sharp enough to peel space.



the thunder wave increased in both strength and area,


A metallic gauntlet covered Shi Zong's hands and his tail crashed on the floor shaking the hall, Shi Zong lunged towards Mo Dao. Mo Dao coated his hands in both Space, Severance and sliced towards Shi Zong.


Sparks came out as Shi Zong's hand coated with purple thunder collided against Mo Dao's hands, the whole space shattered into bits


Mo Dao's hands sliced deep into Shi Zong's gauntlet, next second Mo Dao coated his whole body in Space, Severance laws and tackled his shoulders into Shi Zong's chest but the result was again neutral.


Mo Dao's skin split and several compressed space needles shot towards Shi Zong, some targeted his eyes some went for heart.


Some pierced few centimeters in his skin and a few couldn't even pierce his skin but three got lodged in Shi Zong's eyes which eventually spelled his doom


His forehead exploded, the thunder wave died down and for a second there was confusion in Shi Zong's eyes



Mo Dao freed his hands from assault and Shi Zong's gauntlet pierced his shoulders but Mo Dao's hands also pierced Shi Zong's chest ripping him in two from middle.



Shi Zong's head which was dangling on left part of body had already recovered but it was still too late. Mo Dao slapped his head by both hands turning it into paste.


Mo Dao took two deep breaths seemingly relaxed but inside he was very vigilant. Everytime he kills an opponent panel notifies him and many time Mo Dao ignores the message but for stronger opponents he always checks them. After he killed Shi Zong there wasn't any message which means the bastard was still alive.

Mo Dao looked around casually but he couldn't find any trace of him other then small sparks all around the hall. He walked ahead and took out the left gauntlet from Shi Zong's corpse, Mo Dao couldn't identify the material since his knowledge about minerals in this world was too Shallow reason being old Mo Dao had no interest in smithery. As Mo Dao bent to lift the right gauntlet the whole thunder in the hall concentrated into a dagger and attacked towards his head from behind. Mo Dao felt deadly threat and combined with his earlier alertness he easily avoided the thunder but what surprised Mo Dao as he tried holding the thunder it actually pierced deep in the bones of his palm.


next moment Mo Dao isolated the thunder in space and slowly it started to dissipate. Cursing sound came from it. The voice was similar to Shi Zong and Mo Dao was really curious how he survived even after getting ripped in two but he held his curiosity and continued to exile the thunder using Space law. After a while

[Killed a Stage-1 Nirvana Saint-124million origin]

The message finally flashed and Mo Dao took a sigh of relief. A small broken dagger was lying in Mo Dao hand, it was this dagger that pierced Mo Dao's bones.