The automatic recovery arrow bag

In front of Ming, four light pillars stood in the blind box, two white and two green.


Not bad, four items and two of them are green quality. Ming took out the four cards from the box.

The first white card:

[Newbie Battle Boots (Durability 1/1)]

[Strength +1]

[Agility +2]

Great stuff. He immediately tore the card, and boots appeared before him. He took off his sneakers and put on the new boots right away.

Then he picked up the second white card:

[Newbie Battle Pants]

[Constitution +1]

[Strength +1]

Great pants. Ming changed into the pants and instantly felt his body reinvigorated as his attributes were again boosted.

The third card was green. According to the Doomsday game rules, item levels from low to high are: white, green, blue, purple, orange, gold, red, and so on. White items only have basic attribute bonuses, while green and above items might have rare top-quality attributes.

Ming took a look at the card in his hand:

[Powerful Crossbow (Durability 300/300)]

[Type: Ranged Weapon]

[Strength +2]

[Agility +4]

[Top-quality Attribute: 30% chance to knock back the target a certain distance after hitting]

Strong! He was a little excited. The base agility attribute increased by 4 points, and the strength attribute increased by 2 points. The additional top-quality feature had a 30% chance of knocking the target back a certain distance after hitting.

At first glance, this seemed quite ordinary, but if an arrow didn't hit a vital spot and kill the target, the knockback effect would give him another chance to shoot.

Although triggering the effect depends on luck, he wouldn't give the opponent a chance to get close unless the target's speed surpassed his own.

The last green card:

[Universal Crossbow Arrow Quiver (Durability 300/300)]

[Capacity: 30 arrows]

[Recovery: Automatically recovers 1 crossbow arrow every 1 minute]

"Automatic recovery..."

Ming stared at the card, ensuring it was real, then tore it open. A black leather arrow quiver lay horizontally in his hands, filled with 30 crossbow arrows.

"Really sharp."

Ming pulled out an arrow to inspect the arrowhead. It was a triangular arrowhead with blood grooves on all three sides. Most importantly, the quiver had a top-quality attribute allowing automatic recovery. This was so considerate and amazing.

He had been wondering what to do if he ever ran out of crossbow arrows in the future.

Now, he didn't have to worry about that at all.

But how was the durability calculated?

Both the Powerful Crossbow and the arrow quiver had a durability of 300. Did shooting arrows and recovery consume durability?

"Never mind, I'll figure it out later."

Ming started to inventory his supplies: two boxes of luncheon meat, two cucumbers, two tomatoes, one onion, three apples, two cans of beer, two bottles of water, three sandwiches, and a large bucket of mineral water. There was also a pack of frozen dumplings.

However, cooking dumplings consumed quite a bit of water. Thinking about this, he put the dumplings into his brain domain storage. It was an excellent opportunity to test if food stored in the brain domain would expire. If it didn't, that would be fantastic.

After finishing his tasks, he lay on the bed briefly and checked his attributes in the brain domain. Looking at his agility, he was astonished.

Initially, his mental attribute was the highest, but now his agility had surpassed his mental attribute, making it three times that of an average person.

Of course, agility enhancement should influence all related abilities, such as speed, reaction, dodge, and balance. 

At this moment, screams and explosions could be heard outside occasionally, but they weren't from the army. Instead, they were caused by people igniting their propane tanks.

This was a desperate situation. Ming pressed his ear against the door to listen for any noise from the emergency exit. Thankfully, the zombies hadn't continued to attack the emergency door, probably because they sensed no movement inside and gave up.

Thinking about this, he checked his watch. It was 4:30 pm, with an hour and a half until nightfall.

According to the first chapter's preview, zombies would become even more insane after nightfall. So, the wisest choice was to kill the zombies outside the emergency door now and not wait until nightfall.

Having decided, Ming got up, checked his equipment, opened the door, and walked out. He was uncertain before and had to retreat temporarily. Now, his attributes had drastically increased, and he was fully equipped, including the Powerful Crossbow and the virtually limitless arrow quiver from the Doomsday blind box.

Facing the currently sealed Level 1 zombie, he had a significant advantage. He approached the emergency exit door, pressed his ear against it, and listened carefully, still able to hear faint footsteps.

As expected, the zombies were still there. He unlocked the chain lock, producing a soft click. The zombies outside the emergency door all looked toward the source of the sound, emitting low growls from their throats.


Suddenly, the emergency door was violently kicked open, and the zombie standing behind it was sandwiched between the door and the wall, instantly crushing its head.

The zombies standing outside were swept away by the door, stumbling backward and rolling down the stairs in a domino effect.

One zombie standing beside the door managed to avoid the initial attack. As it charged toward Ming, it was promptly shot through the head with a crossbow arrow.

Ming looked around and saw that all the zombies had rolled down the stairs, just as he had anticipated.

At first, he thought about shooting them one by one through the door gap, but then he realized there was a group outside, unlike the single zombies he had encountered at his doorstep earlier. That approach would be too risky, so he abandoned the idea.

Suddenly, he remembered that the emergency exit door opened outward, and the small platform on the fire escape stairs was narrow. If he had enough strength, there was a high probability that the zombies outside would be knocked down the stairs. The current situation confirmed his guess.

Most importantly, he was amazed by his strength. His kick had dented the door panel, and the attribute increase was potent.

The zombies that rolled down the stairs were piled on each other. The first one to struggle to its feet charged up the stairs.

Ming raised his Crossbow and aimed at the leading zombie.

Whoosh! The arrow hit the zombie right in the forehead, triggering the knockback effect.


The struck zombie was sent flying backward, knocking down the other zombies that had just gotten up again.

Ming was delighted, remembering the powerful knockback effect of the Crossbow, which had a 30% chance of triggering.

After the zombies fell, he had more time to reload and aim.

Whoosh, whoosh~ Two more consecutive shots took down another two zombies, who fell on top of those still struggling to get up. This made it even more difficult for the remaining zombies to stand. In the chaos, one zombie's leg was caught around another's head, and another's arm was wrapped around a third's waist, making it difficult for them to rise.

He seized this opportunity, shooting one crossbow bolt after another with precise headshots. He would shoot another arrow if he missed, as his quiver could infinitely replenish arrows.

Ding~ Da Vinci's "Unexpected Delight" effect was triggered, increasing the drop rate.

Ding~ Da Vinci's "Unexpected Delight" effect was triggered again, increasing the drop rate.

As the number of killed zombies increased, small white beams of light appeared among the fallen zombies.

"More equipment dropped!"

Ming glanced at the beams of light and continued reloading and shooting, planning to retrieve the drops after eliminating all the zombies.