Unexpectedly recruited

Special Forces 2nd District: "Ming, Ming, please contact us as soon as you see this message. We are a regular army and can provide you with the safest growth guarantee. Coordinates W city..."

Special Forces 2nd District**: "Ming, Ming, please contact us as soon as you see this message. We are a regular army and can provide you with the safest growth guarantee. Coordinates W city..."

Special Forces 2nd District**: "Ming, Ming, please contact us as soon as you see this message. We are a regular army and can provide you with the safest growth guarantee. Coordinates W city..."


Am I, a civilian, worth all this fuss?

Special Forces 2nd District, regular army.

Mainly, when did I become famous?

A minute later, the comment control finally ended, and the chat area immediately boiled up.

"Who is this Ming? Why is even the regular army looking for him?"

"Are you serious, upstairs? Have you never heard of Ming? The one with the 'Short and fast' title."

"Yes, that's the Ming who completed the hidden task in the shortest time and got the 'Short and fast' title."

"Envy~ Being specifically recruited by the regular army, this is too strong, isn't it? 'Short and fast' Ming, I want to Surrender to you."


At this moment, Ming, who was watching the chat area, had a dark expression. It's okay to say that I'm strong, but do you have to add 'Short and fast'?

They all damn well know what it's like!?

Then, the comment was controlled again.

Special Forces 2nd District**: "Ming, Ming, please reply if you see this."

Special Forces 2nd District**: "Ming, Ming, please reply if you see this."

Special Forces 2nd District**: "Ming, Ming, please reply if you see this."


Ming looked at the messages that were being controlled again and frowned. W city was too far from him. Even if he wanted to go, he wouldn't dare. The journey was long and who knows what he might encounter. He chose to ignore it.

Mainly, it was too strange to suddenly recruit him, and they published their coordinates on the public screen. Does that mean everyone knows?

Ming touched the tip of his nose, feeling that this Special Forces 2nd District might be trying to advertise while recruiting him.

Ming 1: "I'm in Y city, not far from W city. Can you come and pick me up?"

*9527: "The one above, are you eating shit while lying in the dung pit, shameless? They're looking for Ming, not Ming 1, stop embarrassing yourself, okay?"

Trash 333: "Sirs from Special Forces 2nd District, I want to join you. Will you accept me?"

Special Forces 2nd District Thunder: "We don't need trash."

** 111: "Hahahaha~"

** 2: "Hahaha~"

** 22: "Hahaha~"


Ming glanced at the chat area, anyway, he was not going to reply, there was no need to pay attention to this anymore.

He planned to go to the skill category in the Doomsday Store to find the skills he needed. After looking for a while, he finally found a skill that caught his eye on the last page.

[Sweeping Thousands of Troops: Long-handled weapon skill. When the skill is activated, it sweeps forward in a fan shape, causing (50+1*strength) physical damage. The skill cooldown is 3 minutes, requires 15 constitutions, 15 strength, 15 agility, and 10 spirit to use, priced at 100 Doomsday Coins]


When he saw the description of this skill.

Ming frowned he had always been puzzled. Wouldn't it be enough to kill the doomsday zombies by destroying their brains? Why would the skill have a description of attribute damage?

According to the description, when he swings his weapon, it will cause 50+ of his strength value of damage. 

Though he couldn't figure it out, this skill was what he needed at the moment. It was a divine skill to break through a close-quarter siege.

Choose to purchase.

[Triggered Koi Fish effect, goods are 20% off, original price 100 Doomsday Coins, actual payment 80 Doomsday Coins]

[Purchased the Sweeping Thousands of Troops skill, it has been transferred to the brain domain warehouse]

After Ming bought the skill, he was left with around 300 Doomsday Coins. He continued to browse through the other skills, hoping to find one related to crossbow bolts, but this time there were no such skills available.

He was somewhat disappointed and exited the shop. At this time, the content of the chat channel finally had nothing to do with him.

However, the topic of their conversation caught Ming's attention.

9527: "Damn! Look at the last page of the equipment shop, there's a purple piece of equipment! It's priced at 2000 Doomsday Coins!"

122: "You're overreacting. That thing isn't that useful. If I had 2000 coins, I'd just buy a full set of equipment and skills."

012: "Sigh~ Too bad you don't have it, huh! ?"

33: "Indeed, it's not that useful. Only those who have too much money would buy it, I guess."

I'm Truly the Guild Leader 22: "What are you guys thinking? How many days has it been since the apocalypse? How many people can pull out 2000 Doomsday Coins at once? That's at least 1000 zombies killed, right?"

Most Reputable: "The most reputable person in our Guild has only killed 100 zombies so far. But to be honest, those who say that thing is useless are short-sighted. In the right hands, it's a sharp tool!"


"What is it that has sparked so much discussion?"

Ming, driven by curiosity, opened the weapon and equipment shop. What caught his eye was the whiteboard equipment. He turned to the last page, and a purple item appeared.

[E* Capacity * Recovery * Crossbow Bolt Quiver: Off-hand equipment, enhanced version, large capacity, loads more, recovers fast - quiver capacity 60, recovers one bolt every 30 seconds.]


When Ming saw the attributes of this quiver, he felt it was meant for him. It suited him perfectly.

His current green quiver only has a capacity of 30, and it recovers one bolt per minute. It's not comparable to this.

He looked at the price: 2000 Doomsday Coins.

"This is freaking too expensive!"

Ming frowned, wanting it, but truly couldn't afford it. Even with his lucky buff offering a 20% discount, it still cost 1600 coins. He currently only had about 300 Doomsday Coins left, still short of 1300.

Indeed, for most people, this quiver seemed a bit superfluous. At present, spending 2000 Doomsday Coins on practical equipment and skills to arm oneself seemed to be a better deal than buying a quiver.

There were many onlookers, but he was probably the only one who was really tempted to buy it.

He was envious but really short of money.

Ming looked again and decided to back out for now.

He then looked to see if there was anything else he needed. He didn't look at the category of life supplies, as he currently had enough and didn't need to replenish. After finding nothing to buy, he began to look at the items in the free trade area.

There were no skills for sale, which was understandable. From the start of the Doomsday game until now, Ming himself hadn't acquired any skills yet, let alone others.

The drop rate of skills was much lower than equipment, and even if someone did get them, they would keep them for their use. The equipment section was also empty, which surprised Ming. Could it be that no one was selling spare equipment?

Then he remembered that weapons and equipment have durability. When the durability is gone, they will explode just like his pants did. Even if there was spare equipment, they would probably keep it for backup.

The apocalypse had just begun, and resources were very scarce. Only those with surplus supplies would trade.

Being poor, he could only make do with what he had.

After exiting the equipment category of the free trade area, he entered the life supplies category and found a wide array of items. What surprised him was that the starting prices of these items were ridiculously high.

A pencil, starting price 1 Doomsday Coin, direct purchase 3 Doomsday Coins.

A roll of paper, starting price 1 Doomsday Coin, direct purchase 2 Doomsday Coins.

A cucumber, starting price 1 Doomsday Coin, direct purchase 2 Doomsday Coins.

A condom, starting price 1 Doomsday Coin, direct purchase 5 Doomsday Coins.


At first, Ming thought these were just people messing around, or trying to scam money, and that no one would buy them. But the next instant, he realized he was wrong.

These items were snapped up as soon as they went live!

What was going on?