Kitchen murders


Ming quickly turned around to see a large mouth attacking him. In that instant, he lifted his spear and thrust forward.

Plop! The spear stabbed into the upper jaw of the creature.

What he didn't expect was that the largemouth in front of him closed, biting down on the spear. Only then did he get a clear look at the creature in front of him?

It was a python.

Its body was covered in dark grey scales, its body was as thick as a water barrel, its triangular head was as big as a grinding disc, and a pair of green eyes glowed, staring at him.

An elite mutant creature!?

Could this be the dark grey figure that he saw attacking the 16th floor yesterday?

With a long tail trailing behind!

It was definitely it.

Just then, the snake's head whipped violently, flinging Ming and the spear away. Ming, using his spear to brace himself in mid-air, drew a semi-arc before landing and retreating a few steps to dissipate the force.

Thankfully, his agility was high, and his evasion and reaction abilities were demonstrated in this situation. If it were his past self, he might already be in the snake's stomach by now.

Without time to think about how the snake got here, Ming took out his crossbow and shot.

Ding!! The arrow hit the snake's head, but it was deflected.

Its head was really hard.

Meanwhile, the python had already slithered over and raised its neck, it's head touching the ceiling, nearly 3 meters high, looking down at Ming.

Ming swayed his body left and right to distract the black python, a trick he learned from a snake catcher on a survival show.

Snake catchers would use one hand to distract the snake while the other hand, out of the snake's field of vision, would seize the opportunity to strike, aiming for the snake's vital spot.

But this one... obviously, he couldn't reach for its vital spot. How could he grasp a snake as thick as a water barrel with one hand?

Now he had to distract it and think of another way.

The best strategy would be to slip out of this room first, after all, the sticky substance on the floor was hindering his speed. At this point, he noticed a large burn wound on the snake's neck, the flesh of the wound hadn't yet scabbed over.

He had found his point of attack.

As he moved left and right, he took in the environment around him.


The black python launched an attack in an instant, opening its large mouth and the raised body attacked Ming like a lightning bolt. Ming immediately dodged to the left. Even though his reaction was fast enough, the snake's tongue still grazed his body as it passed by, showing that this elite monster also had high attributes.

At the same time, he raised his spear and stabbed it into the burn scab on the black python. But before he could exert his full strength, the snake's tail suddenly swung at his head.

He had no choice but to withdraw and evade, pulling the spear and running forward. He decided to get out of the room first. Thankfully, he had just laid down the door panel, otherwise, the sticky substance on the ground would definitely affect his speed.

Just as he was about to run out of the door, a gust of wind blew from outside, and the door slammed shut.

"Damn it!"

At this point, the black python had already approached him, raising its head to launch another attack. Ming dodged to the right and entered the kitchen, the python turned its head and followed him in.

Hiss!! The black python opened its mouth wide and attacked him again.

This time, the evasion was relatively easy. After a few rounds of combat, Ming found that the snake's only attacks were to raise its head, open its mouth wide, and attack forcefully. If it missed, it would immediately retract its head. The other move was to whip its tail for an attack.

But the kitchen was quite small, and the latter half of its body couldn't get in. It could only use its head for the attack.

Having realized this situation, Ming adjusted his rhythm. What he was thinking about now was how to immobilize this black python. The charged arrow was definitely not going to work, as the black python simply wouldn't give him the time.


Suddenly, Ming remembered that he had a Spike Trap card. After dodging the black python's attack again, he immediately took out the Spike Trap card.

[Spike Trap: Place in a certain position, any creature that approaches within a range of 5 meters will trigger the trap.]

He immediately ripped it open and threw it onto the black python's body, which was standing upright again. The two pieces of paper landed on the snake's belly. The usage instructions said to place it in a certain position, so throwing it on the snake's body should also count as a position.


"Huh? Why isn't there a reaction?" Ming frowned.

He watched as the pieces of paper on the ground turned to ashes, and there was no other movement.

Damn, he wouldn't have run into the awkward situation of the trap failing, would he?

At the same time, the black python attacked again.


A sharp sound rang out, and a flash of white light suddenly appeared where the card had disappeared. A spike about three meters long and as thick as a small tree appeared out of thin air, hissing~ it pierced into the belly of the black python.

The attacking black python was pinned to the ground.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!! Then, a series of sounds rang out again, followed by spikes shooting out from the place where the card disappeared.

Thud, it pierced into the body of the black python.

Thud, it pierced into the body of the black python again.


"Holy crap!" Ming, who was watching the spikes intently, quickly dodged to the side, a spike brushed past his face, penetrating the kitchen hood.

"Is this an indiscriminate attack?!"

Ming hastily dodged the spikes that continued to attack him.

He was too careless, he originally thought that the function of this [Spike Trap] was to restrain the 'creature' that approached it, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of indiscriminate firing.

Whoosh, whoosh!!

He dodged two more spikes again, but the huge python, which filled the entire kitchen with its body, wasn't so composed. It wanted to dodge, but the spikes exploded next to it, making it impossible to avoid. And when the spikes pierced its body, the tips were also nailed to the floor or wall.

Firmly restraining the black python's body.

This made it impossible for its body to move freely as it did just now.

Whoosh~ Ming spread his legs, and a spike was inserted into the floor between his legs.

That was so damn close!


The neck of the black python, which had just been raised, was pierced by a spike, and the spike was firmly nailed to the cupboard.

In a short while, the Spike Trap stopped firing. The spikes on the black python were so many that even a hedgehog would think it was their big cousin. One of the spikes pierced through its chin, firmly nailing it to the ground.


Ming immediately thrust up his quenched long spear, aiming at the mouth of the black python and stabbing it in. The spearhead pierced through the python's upper jaw from its mouth and made a hole in its head. He didn't know if this spear had hit the python's brain.

He immediately withdrew the spear and randomly punctured the python's mouth as he did just before.


A spear stabbed into its mouth, and the spearhead emerged from its left eye, spurting out blood.

The black python hissed loudly in pain.


A spear went straight into the throat, the spearhead emerging from the back of the python's head.



In a short while, several rotten holes had been pounded into the python's head.

Ming also started to pant, tired. Indeed, snakes as creatures had such tiny brains, it was frustrating. He had been poking around for so long and hadn't hit it.

Thud! Another hit.

[Ding~ Killed elite mutant creature, mutated black python, individual achievement progress for killing elite mutant creatures 3/5]

Ding~ Triggered Da Vinci's [Unexpected Joy] drop rate increase.

"Finally~ it's dead~"

Ming leaned against the kitchen wall and sat down to rest. In fact, killing the mutated creature, the black python, wasn't too difficult. Once he understood its attack pattern, it was really not hard to evade.

The difficulty lay in its large size, fast speed, strong power, and excellent stamina. Plus, its scale armor could actually block crossbow shots, so he could only rely on physical strength to wear it down.

This was also the reason why mutated creatures become stronger after nightfall. Logically speaking, now it's the second night, wouldn't the creatures become even more powerful on the third night?

Buzz, buzz~

At this moment, four beams of light lit up within the range of the black python's corpse, two green and two white.