"Are you kidding me?"

As Da Vinci bounced downstairs, Ming dragged a sofa over to sit next to the fire door, opened it, and planned to wait for the little frog to come back.

[Your Da Vinci arrived on the 7th floor. After wandering around for a bit, I didn't find anything of interest. It is planned to go down to the 6th floor]

[Your Da Vinci arrived on the 6th floor, and saw a male zombie standing in the elevator area, looking up at the ceiling. It also looked up and found nothing, thinking that this zombie might be a fool]

[It passed by the second door, glanced inside, saw dried blood stains on the floor, and a female zombie missing her lower half crawling on the floor with her hands, making low growling sounds. Your Da Vinci shook its head, feeling pity, but it was a female zombie after all]

[It has always seen itself as a frog that keeps its word, it activated its collection ability on the half-zombie]

[Collection successful]


Ming stood up in disbelief from the sofa.

My God, are you really doing this?


Isn't it disgusting?

It seems that the weight Da Vinci can collect is about half a person, roughly around 100-110 pounds?

[Your Da Vinci was very happy, it felt that it had finally done something right today]

[Ten minutes later... Your Da Vinci arrived on the 5th floor, and found dozens of zombies congested here. Among them, several attractive female zombies, all intact, only their faces and necks were gnawed and rotten. It decided to keep this half-beautiful-faced one for now]

[Your Da Vinci's eyes lit up, and it moved with the desire to collect]


Ming had just leaned into the sofa and then stood up again.

What weird thing has caught your interest again?

[Your Da Vinci saw a clean ankle. Looking up, it saw a pair of pink silky yoga pants. Looking further up, it found that the owner of the yoga pants only had one side of her upper body left, and her head was hanging on her chest, connected only by the bone]

[...After considering for a while, your Da Vinci decided not to collect her, and instead activated its collection ability to the yoga pants]

[During the collection, the talent system synchronization was triggered, and thorough disinfection and purification was performed on the collected item]

[Collection successful]

[Your Da Vinci passed  under the group of zombies and planned to look around in other rooms]

"As expected... not surprising~"

Ming stood up from the sofa, holding a long spear in his hand, and then stood up to carry out the most basic thrusting training. Since he was idle anyway, it was better to improve himself.

[Your Da Vinci wandered around room 601 and didn't find anything particularly attractive to it, so it left and went to 602. The door of this room was broken and wide open, and there were intestines on the floor]

[It turned its head and left, thinking that such a family that randomly discards intestines everywhere probably wouldn't have anything to stimulate its desire to collect]

[Your Da Vinci bounced away and arrived at room 602]

[As soon as it entered, it felt the antique furniture inside. The sofa, table, TV cabinet, etc. were all made of redwood. The room had an indescribable smell ....]

[After a few minutes, it stopped under a large bookshelf. The bookshelf was neatly filled with many books. A gold-encased box caught its attention, after all, it liked such gold items]

[Your Da Vinci activated its collection ability to the gold-encased box, (warm reminder, the "Strip-off Helper" talent is not compatible with the collected item, and the talent was not triggered)]

[Collection successful]

[Your Da Vinci happily left this home and prepared to go to the next one...]

"What does 'not triggered' mean?"

Ming put away the spear and touched his nose, pondering. Could it be that the "Strip-off Helper" only works on clothes worn on the body?

Even without this talent, it could strip off clothes before, so what is the purpose of this talent?

[Your Da Vinci bounced out of room 603. It was very disappointed with this room. There was only a table and a bed, not even a TV. The bathroom only had a plastic basin.]

[It turned the corner into room 604 and saw a rope tied to the ceiling chandelier. A person was hanging on the rope, but he had turned into a zombie and was now swaying in mid-air, making a hoarse growling sound]

[Your Da Vinci scanned the room and found many potted plants and green plants in the room. Many flowers and plants were either placed on the ground or on tall tables, layered on top of each other like a small garden]

[At this moment, a figure appeared sneakily in front of it, a gray figure with a tail]


Another gray figure?

And it has a tail?

[Your Da Vinci looked up and down and found that it was a somewhat fat rat. A rat and a frog, are two creatures facing each other. The rat sniffed, and Da Vinci licked its tongue]

[Your Da Vinci took the initiative to greet it and licked its face with its tongue...]

[Time and atmosphere freeze...]

[The rat was licked and stood still...as if frozen...then the rat turned and left, squeaking a couple of times. Its tone was a bit temperamental]

[Your Da Vinci thinks the other party might be shy, and it finds it a bit interesting... Your Da Vinci has the intention of making friends]

It seems like a good thing for a frog to make friends. 

However, he always felt that having a rat as a friend was a bit strange.

[Your Da Vinci chases after the rat, the rat thinks this four-legged bouncing creature is very sick, it has already licked you, what else do you want? The rat runs faster, Da Vinci chases with more vigor...]

[Your Da Vinci chased the rat until it squeaked... Your Da Vinci was clearly more excited...]


[Your Da Vinci chased the rat  run to everywhere, the rat had no choice but to hide under a green plant]

[Your Da Vinci thought that the rat was playing hide and seek with it, it immediately jumped in front of the rat and made a sound]

[The rat was startled, it ran to a tall stand and drilled into a green plant pot full of Venus flytraps]

[Your Da Vinci noticed that this Venus flytrap was a bit big, and saw one of them opening two huge pincers toward the rat]

[Your Da Vinci used its eyes to signal the rat to run quickly]

[The rat didn't pay attention, thinking that the other party was luring it down, the next second, the rat was caught by the Venus flytrap]

[Your Da Vinci looked at the rat caught by the Venus flytrap and shook its head, why didn't you run when I told you to, are you dumb?]

[Your Da Vinci squatted on the ground and watched the rat struggle in the Venus flytrap, with the intention to rescue]


What the heck??