Sewer secrets

As the drizzle continued, ming, holding his umbrella, continued to search elsewhere. There was another important reason why he planned to raise earthworms: after harvesting them batch by batch, could he "grow" king-level or emperor-level earthworms?

In that case, wouldn't the Blood Proofs be harvested in batches?

Those weren't earthworms, they were gleaming gold coins. The most crucial point was that earthworms were relatively easy to kill. At this thought, his heart pounded.

J city's sewer, here I come!


A bolt of lightning crackled and roared, the ground fork striking the head of a zombie that had just crawled out from the ruins in search of food.

ming glanced at the gray light column that the zombie burst out of, then looked up at the sky. The lighting was really accurate, it was a sign of good luck.

He collected the card on the ground and quickly left.