Inferno difficulty

He didn't believe, and didn't want to believe, that summoning the giant eagle was the skill he paid 10,000 gold coins for.

After ten minutes.

He held the Spiritual Energy Stone and summoned it again after the skill had cooled down.


There was no sign of a giant eagle in the sky.


[Your Da Vinci notices that another sparrow has landed next to you and has collided with foodie, who is lying on the edge of the pond spitting bubbles...]

[The foodie turns around and sees the sparrow, puzzled as to how another one could have arrived and looked exactly like the one he had just swallowed...]

[Da Vinci bumped into a foodie, finished, you ate his daughter-in-law, he was looking for you to settle accounts...Foodie licked his tongue, burped, and spat out a cloud of light blue starlight dots... they reunited...]


Ming grabbed the foodie and threw it, along with Da Vinci, into the pond.