Bumper Crop

Three minutes later, Alan was panting heavily and leaning against a towering coconut tree, watching the big shot continue to cut the psychic stones with the giant crab. He lamented his mistake, realizing that he had bungled everything this time. The two carefully crafted puppets had plunged uncontrollably into the sea, and his hopes of joining forces with the big shot had been utterly shattered.

How could a weakling expect to keep up with such an influential player without dragging him down?

As these thoughts weighed heavily on his mind, Alan decided to leave. He did not wish to be looked down upon by the big shot any further, given his inexperience.

"Big shot; I shall head back now," he said, pulling out a teleportation scroll to activate it.

"Do not be so hasty to depart," said Ming, deftly dodging the crab's attack. "I need your help."

"Me?" Alan was taken aback. What could he, a feeble individual, possibly offer?