Don't want to inject!

"No movement?" Ming noted this phrase down.

He was located at the northern boundary of Zone 109 and had been observing the area for the past few days. It still looked the same, with no abnormalities. He planned to check out the regional map tomorrow to see what was going on.

Ming stood up and stretched his limbs. At that moment, a pigeon landed on the rooftop, staying motionless.

[Your froggy friends noticed the pigeon. Da Vinci didn't react since the gray creature was a bit ugly and didn't match its aesthetic...]

[Foodie looked up at you, sticking out its tongue and licking its mouth, wondering if it could eat this time.]

"A messenger pigeon?"

Ming noticed a small piece of paper tied to the pigeon's leg. When he squatted down, the pigeon didn't fly away, instead staring at the big-eyed, four-legged creature walking towards it with its mouth wide open.

"Don't be in a hurry."