Hehe, what a coincidence

Ming looks at Mike, realizing they both use their real names as nicknames. Perhaps this is fate. He then points to the two beams of golden light on the ground, "You can pick one."

"Me?" Mike points to himself, somewhat in disbelief. Gold light! His highest accomplishment before was only purple light.

"If you don't want it, I won't hesitate to take both..."

"No, no, no! I want it!!"

Mike picks up one of the golden cards, and Ming takes the other.

Honestly, Ming has gotten so many exclusive skill cards that he's become numb. If he got a red card, he would feel excited.

"Hahaha!!!" Mike looks at his golden card and laughs like a madman.

[Your froglets, asleep in your pocket, are awakened by the laughter. They poke their heads out to look at the guy who just personally killed the intimate zombie and feel like he's acting like he's never seen anything good before...]