"Little Green and Big Green"


A white light descends at the entrance of the tent, and a young man in black clothing appears, carrying a longbow on his back, a long sword on his waist, and holding a bright silver spear in his hand. The red tassel on the spearhead flutters in the cold wind.

Next to him stands a waist-high, tusked, long-haired pig, pink in color, with fat and plump. The man and the pig stand proudly in the cold wind, imposingly!

The cold wind blows, and the man shivers from the cold~

The pig grunts, rubbing against the man's armpit, as if seeking warmth.

"Stop rubbing, there's someone here." The man turns around and sees someone inside the tent cooking and eating something that smells delicious, with coconut water and a sweet soup base. Immediately, he puffs out his chest, pats the pig's head, and the pink pig turns its head to look into the tent, showing its long tusks.