Cup of Speed

"Damn it!" Ming was shocked. Was there a problem with the zombie's teleportation distance? It even managed to teleport to his own home?

That's absurd! all the creatures to mess with, this zombie had to mess with those two!

Ming wondered if he could just go home and collect the money now.

[Your Foodie, furious, rushes towards the struggling zombie tangled in the spider web, knocking it down... More webs get tangled zombies in the process... Foodie then runs up to the zombie and activates its collection ability on the zombie's two short swords and the two leather pouches at its waist, successfully collecting them...]

[Your Foodie watches as the zombie gets up, and knocks it down once more... Your Da Vinci charges forward and activates its collection ability on the entire body of the zombie, successfully collecting... The little bear sees the naked zombie and shyly raises its paw to cover its eyes... Embarrassed...]