Wild Angler Herd

Zombie Herd was gnawing on the corpse of a four-legged animal. As it lifted its head to swallow, it smelled the intoxicating scent of fresh flesh.

It knew that the smell came from a human, and the fragrance of flesh and blood made Herd stand up...

It wanted to eat that person and enjoy their warm and soft brain... using its abilities to kill and eat brains... If extremely hungry, it would eat the brains of other animals, and if extremely famished, it would drink blood and eat flesh...

Because in its mind, the thought echoed... eat brains... become smart... eat brains... become powerful...


Zombie Herd sniffed and followed the scent of the human, walking through waist-high grass, crossing a cluster of bushes, and saw the fresh flesh... It longed to bite through the human's neck and suck the boiling hot blood...

Charge... roar...

Zombie Herd instinctively roared... charging while taking out its weapons... a fishing rod... and an ax...