Eldred Ross

"Zone upgraded into a dungeon..." Ming looked around, the traces of the earthquake were still present, but unlike Zone 109, there were no square hills here. However, there were some cracks in the ground.

Opening the map, he found himself at the southern edge of the square zone, one meter behind him was the boundary of the mist. Converting the scale, this zone was four times the size of Zone 109.

He knew that there was only one reason for the formation of a zone dungeon so far: the people here hadn't completed the shared kill. Therefore, the final boss here was a five-star king-level creature.

Fortunately, he has the froglets to kill the zombie 'which shouldn't be too difficult. The challenge was to clear all the zombies in such a large area, as luring them with sounds might not be enough. At this moment, it would be great if Mike were here; he could make use of his unique skills.

Let's begin!