Puppet Space

[Your Da Vinci patted Foodie, who wasn't doing anything productive. Foodie closed its opened mouth and told Da Vinci that it was learning to cook for itself.]

[Da Vinci observed two groups of ants surrounding a grasshopper and patted Foodie, asking what the dish was called. Foodie stuck out its tongue, "Ant and Grasshopper Combo."]

[Your frogs looked at each other and simultaneously opened their mouths wide toward the Ant and Grasshopper Combo. Plop! A large leather shoe stepped on the combo. The froglings looked up at the shoe, and it belonged to that suited zombie.]

"Finally, getting down to business," Ming smiled, opened the tent door, dragged the high-level zombie in, gave it medicine, and killed it.

Ding~ Puppeteer level reached 15.

[Your froglings were angry. Your Da Vinci used its gathering ability on the suited zombie, successfully collecting. Foodie activated its fighting spirit, and knocked the zombie down and away.]
