Emperor-level Blood Certificate

Takeda Niyoshi sat in the courtyard, facing a dead tree. To outsiders, he appeared to be meditating, but in reality, he was checking the Corrupted task in his attribute panel.

He had completed the first task of killing the president and received some special rewards. Now, he was on the second task:

[Please unify all Japanese regions within 20 days, establish a slave kingdom, and become the king.]

[Task rewards:]

[1, permanently increase all attributes by 100]

[2, obtain the exclusive title 'Slave King']

[3, randomly awaken a talent once]

[Failure penalty: You will become a slave to a Corrupted, completely obeying their commands, without self-esteem, until death]

"Unify the whole country, huh?"


Ming checked his gains from the past two days, starting with the "Fearless" title:


[All attributes +20]

[Title attribute: Fearless, the more opponents you face, the stronger you will become...]