Negative Example

"Across the wilderness, black off-road vehicle races, abruptly halting."

Stepping out of the vehicle, the woman guided a fire elemental stone from the wind-eroded cliff, scattering it on the ground. She turned to the man who had just removed an empty storage box and said, "That's it. I owe you nothing now. Goodbye, we won't meet again." 

Alia sheathed her narrow sword and departed with a confident stride.


Ming gazed at the scattered stones on the ground, realizing a principle. If a boss treats their employees poorly, it can result in their demotivation and inefficient work. He made a note of this in his small notebook, planning to remember it for when he would become a boss himself.

"Wait!" A thought struck Ming, and he called out to Alia, who hadn't yet gone far. "Hey, don't hurry off!"

"Hmph." Alia stopped, not turning around, her cold laugh hanging in the air.