Walking upright?

Ming arrived in front of the tent and roughly estimated its size. It was about 10 meters tall and 20 meters in diameter.

He immediately deployed his skill, covering the tent in front of him. Regardless of the strength of the boss inside, he had to be absolutely safe.

Then, he released the Chef, Lopene, and Baul from the puppet space and issued instructions:

"Baul, after going in, taunt the guy with the long horns and run around the tent!"

"Chef, after Baul successfully taunts, you cook for the one with the long horns."

"Lopene, you follow the Chef. When he's cooking, you try to get an investment from the one with the long horns!"

"Little Bear, follow me. If the situation goes bad, run first!"



"Okay, let's go in!"

With Ming's command, he opened the tent door.

Baul was the first to rush in, followed closely by Chef and Lopene. Ming, leading the little bear, also stepped into the tent.
