A very simple experiment

ming was waiting. Given the situation just now, that 'big cat' had no room to retreat, and that 'eyeless' monster's sense of smell and hearing should be very strong.

He planned to wait a little while longer to see who would win, wondering if monsters would drop equipment pillars or something when they fought each other. If they did drop something, he wondered if he could retrieve it.


ming suddenly remembered that he had seen Lawrence's head on the waist of that eyeless monster just now.

From this, three possibilities could be inferred.

The first possibility was that when Lawrence entered the mist, it was not because the mist judged the bridging with him to be cut off, but because he was killed by this eyeless monster, including the poor rattlesnake.

At that time, this monster just happened to be standing within the mist, separated from him by a boundary as he was conducting an experiment.