Was this a love letter to someone else?

To be honest, ming thought he was doing a good deed, as this could enhance Clos's practical experience. It seemed to be a win-win situation, but unfortunately, she did not appreciate it.

Young people are too impetuous, ming thought, so he asked her to do some work related to the mining, such as recording, verifying, and classifying the ores.

"Get up for me!"

At this moment, Clos was holding a box of pure gold ore with both arms and placing it on the sorting table. She casually wiped the fine sweat beads on her forehead.

"Well done."

He initially thought this woman was good at work, and it turned out he was right. Her good observational skills really helped him a lot.


Hmm~ coconut milk with honey, also had a unique flavor. With nothing else to do, ming leaned back on the lounge chair, checking the gains from the military base.

[Cardel's Exclusive Experimental Syringe]

[All Attributes +100]