"Call me Handsome"

Ming looked at the spider lying on the ground, already exhausted. He shook his head and set off in the direction of Jingcheng. Without a doubt, it must have been exhausted by Merlin.

Walking on the road and looking at the brand-new environment, he had to admit, with the increased population in the district, the environment had also changed. What used to be concrete ruins had completely transformed, with small courtyards stretching all the way to the capital, or rather, with the capital at its center, post-apocalyptic district 109 was now a large residential area taking shape.

People were coming and going on the street, but no one paid much attention to a man in a white coat. After all, in the post-apocalyptic world, everyone dressed in various outfits. At this time, everyone was heading towards Jingcheng.

"I'm going to drink a few more cups of my homemade fruit wine today~"