Thor's Hammer

"Hey, hey~"

Mike's face was filled with a smile. He shook the dirty blood off the blade of his knife and said, "Thanks to you guys for giving me this opportunity, I'm feeling much better now~"

Then, David looked at the four of them dividing up the spoils with a sour face.

Ming wanted to draw blood, but this wasn't a mutated creature. What if the corpse poison was transmitted to Raoul and the others... would it make them even more brainless? That would really not be worth the loss. Better not.

Just then, a harsh cry sounded, and all five of them looked up at the sky. They saw a zombie with wings and dark golden eyes diving toward them.

"Good, another one is coming to deliver equipment!"

Mike stood in front with his knife and roared, "Come and hit me! Stupid!"


A pale blue electric fork hit the ground in front of Mike. He turned and ran wildly, "Guys, run!"