"New species~ Lightning Struck Bird~~"

The sandstorm ceased, the sun reemerged in the sky, and a group of dusty people crawled out of the half-buried temple. They dusted off their bodies and shook the fine sand from their pants.

Lavia smiled at everyone, took off his clothes, and let the water pour out of his pores for self-cleaning, clean and comfortable. This set of processes stunned everyone. So, the water we drink... is your sweat!! No wonder it has a stale taste!!


Kelly, as the only woman here, turned around and walked away. A man's skin was even more delicate than a woman's, which was really annoying~

Suddenly, she jumped up and screamed, "Ahh!!"

The rest of the group rushed over in a hurry. Lavia was the first to rush to the scene, and the sight before his eyes made his spine chill. There were corpses in a kneeling position, the flesh clinging to the skeletons had dried up, the skulls were opened, and large holes were torn open on the left side of their bodies.