"I want to prove that I can help everyone, not be a burden!"

"Need help untying it? I can help you~"

A familiar voice echoed from the darkness.

The Orochi twisted its body, its nine heads swiveling, searching for the origin of the voice, but finding no one.


"Kill, kill, kill!"

The Orochi was furious, its body frantically twisted and turned, uprooting the street lamps and fire hydrants in its path. Despite its best efforts, the knot was securely tight and wouldn't yield. Charging towards the high wall, it dragged a trail of debris behind it.

It was determined to kill, to kill everyone inside the wall. It would not be fooled again, it would not fall for the tricks of those despicable people!


At this moment, its nine heads unleashed a volley of poison, no longer shaped like pillars, but rather, a widespread spray, blanketing the entire area.
