"Come, hold hands!"

As Alice spoke, she took Digennaro's hand, "Knowing you were coming here, I prepared a lot of delicious desserts for you."

"Thank you, Sister Alice."


Ming shook his head; indeed, she was just like Foodie, a foodie.

The three of them walked on. The people on the streets of District 331 were all curiously looking at the young man and boy walking beside the Saint.

"Who are those two? Why is the Saint walking with them?"

"Could those be her man and child?"

"Shut up. The noble Saint is the reincarnation of Joan of Arc, she has vowed never to be with anyone."

"Judging from their attire, they seem to be doctors... If the Saint is walking with doctors..."

"Do you mean the Saint is ill?"

"No, she may be interested in learning medicine."


In the Saint's castle, Alice placed various kinds of pastries on the table in front of Digennaro, along with a cup of coffee with milk.