"Hang in there, we'll be there soon!"

hope it has a truly compassionate heart, is it?"

Ming led the group of zombies into the small alley with only one entrance, then swiftly changed into his spirit wings and took flight, landing on a rooftop. Glancing down at the horde of zombies crowding the alley below, growling and staring up at him, he immediately doubled back to the supply point from earlier.

His original plan was to lead them into a theatre, but due to unforeseen circumstances, he had to leave them here for now.

"None of you run away, I'll come back to deal with you later."

Leaping between rooftops, Ming landed back on the ground after a few quick bounds. He saw a group of people crowded around a large truck, seeming to escort it as it moved forward. These people... are they this good? Volunteering?

Without time to ask more, Ming strode over to Alice. "What are Ares' characteristics?"