"What are you laughing at?"

Digennaro ate one pie after another, her mouth full and bulging, and she mumbled, "It's so delicious~"

Ming stroked her little head and smiled, "If it's delicious, eat more. If it's not enough, I'll go and ask your sister-in-law to make more for you next time."

"Okay~ you have to thank them."

"You're welcome, I always appreciate her cooking."


Nearby, Philip was exasperated - just last night he had painstakingly lectured the goddess about eating more daintily. And now his efforts were moot again.

After the last one, Digennaro patted her belly. " can you cook this next time?" 

"I don't know how to make them."

"You can find a wife."

"I can't find a wife just to eat a pie, can I?"

"Hmm,  you're absolutely right."

Digennaro nodded, looked at Old Philip, and said, "Old Philip, did you hear that? I can't chew slowly just because of others, right?"
