The Red Horseman

Ming took a step forward, paused, and launched a triple attack.


Alice quickly followed up, activating her skill. All members of the Godslayer family were invincible for three minutes!

Ming grabbed the White Horseman's right foot, yanked hard, pulled him off the horse, and shouted, "Treant!"

"Here I come!"

Hawkins had been ready, activating his skill instantly. All the tendrils moved towards the White Horseman like gigantic pythons, tightly wrapping around his limbs.

"Hold him!"

At the same time, David turned his sand urn upside down, and the sand serpent sprang out, covering the tendrils, providing double insurance!


A centipede burst out from the ground, its large pincers bit onto the White Horseman's limbs, making a third layer of binding! Ming immediately laid down a mud trap, and the White Horseman's legs sunk deep in. Four layers of binding, hold! He then threw out a tent, covering him.