"I'm still a snake, even though..."

After dinner, Ming returned home as evening approached. Once he had attended to the many tasks within his household, he settled onto the rooftop sofa, lost in thought.

Should he seek out the courier? What if this person, by chance, knew Janice and his home address? If assuming Little A is the rule, should he act on it?

With these thoughts, he unfolded a pristine map that David had obtained from a trade for a hundred gold coins. City S was located to the southwest of zone 109, nearly 700 kilometers away. Before the apocalypse, it would have taken almost nine hours to drive there. Now, the journey required passing through the mist, making the duration uncertain. The decision to go or stay was worthy of deep consideration.

  Deciding, he snapped his fingers, and in an instant, Raoul, with wings outspread, alighted beside him, clutching Euryale in his hand.

Next to the towering Raoul, Euryale appeared as but a small serpent.