"This game is trying to trap us!"

Ming gazed into the flying leech's eyes, shimmering with a faint red glow, and stroked its soft, velvety fur. The touch was gratifying, and he could confirm that the creature had evolved, advancing another rank.

It used to have dark gold eyes, indicating an epic tier. But this light red hue... what rank does it represent? The fur feels similar to the unique coat Frank has when he transforms into a werewolf. It seems the injection I gave it last time worked. No wonder it's faster now. Honestly, I'm quite pleased with Napoleon's arrival. 

Wait a minute!

Holding Napoleon, Ming froze. It seemed Napoleon carried several hidden quests with it.

Oh no...

A voice resonated in his ear:

[Hidden quest detected. Noting your participation in a group hidden quest. The Apocalypse Game System is trying to access similar event-handling procedures. Access failed. This issue has not been encountered before, please wait...]